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Of course, my writing involves a lot of internet searching.
This blog by Ryan Nagy appeared.
The content is well known after all my years as a Feldenkrais activist.

If the content is completely unknown, you will be informed.
If you think it's bottling history - please get in touch with your arguments.

"When she [Mia Segal] and Yochanon started their [Feldenkrais] programs I had already left my positions with the Guild and the Feldenkrais Foundation. However I told Guild board members then that they should sue both Yochanon and Mia for improper use of the terms. (...) I asked people why are you sponsoring Mia and Yochanon to give advanced programs and mentorships?  Why are you elevating them to such a high status in the community?"

-Jerry Karzen

"I hold no grudges towards Mia, Yochanon or Anat for starting their own versions of the "true" Feldenkrais Method according to them. More power to them. However it is chickenshit of them and their students to slam us and then expect to be welcomed into the fold."

- Denis Leri

Forgetfulness and archive folders notwithstanding, this is not fiction.

Ryan Nagy writes about his investigation about early history and pre-history of how it all happened they way we know it.

This what happened with the trademarks is one of the reasons I felt it necassary to write about Yochanan Rywerant's contributations to the profession and consequently also about Classical Feldenkrais.